load("report"); if(!$mybb->user['uid']) { error_no_permission(); } $plugins->run_hooks("report_start"); $report = array(); $verified = false; $report_type = 'post'; $error = $report_type_db = ''; if(!empty($mybb->input['type'])) { $report_type = htmlspecialchars_uni($mybb->get_input('type')); } $report_title = $lang->report_content; $report_string = "report_reason_{$report_type}"; if(isset($lang->$report_string)) { $report_title = $lang->$report_string; } $id = 0; if($report_type == 'post') { if($mybb->usergroup['canview'] == 0) { error_no_permission(); } // Do we have a valid post? $post = get_post($mybb->get_input('pid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)); if(!$post) { $error = $lang->error_invalid_report; } else { $id = $post['pid']; $id2 = $post['tid']; $report_type_db = "(type = 'post' OR type = '')"; // Check for a valid forum $forum = get_forum($post['fid']); if(!isset($forum['fid'])) { $error = $lang->error_invalid_report; } else { $verified = true; } // Password protected forums ......... yhummmmy! $id3 = $forum['fid']; check_forum_password($forum['parentlist']); } } else if($report_type == 'profile') { $user = get_user($mybb->get_input('pid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)); if(!isset($user['uid'])) { $error = $lang->error_invalid_report; } else { $id2 = $id3 = 0; // We don't use these on the profile $id = $user['uid']; // id is the profile user $permissions = user_permissions($user['uid']); if(empty($permissions['canbereported'])) { $error = $lang->error_invalid_report; } else { $verified = true; $report_type_db = "type = 'profile'"; } } } else if($report_type == 'reputation') { // Any member can report a reputation comment but let's make sure it exists first $query = $db->simple_select("reputation", "*", "rid = '".$mybb->get_input('pid', MyBB::INPUT_INT)."'"); if(!$db->num_rows($query)) { $error = $lang->error_invalid_report; } else { $verified = true; $reputation = $db->fetch_array($query); $id = $reputation['rid']; // id is the reputation id $id2 = $reputation['adduid']; // id2 is the user who gave the comment $id3 = $reputation['uid']; // id3 is the user who received the comment $report_type_db = "type = 'reputation'"; } } $plugins->run_hooks("report_type"); // Check for an existing report if(!empty($report_type_db)) { $query = $db->simple_select("reportedcontent", "*", "reportstatus != '1' AND id = '{$id}' AND {$report_type_db}"); if($db->num_rows($query)) { // Existing report $report = $db->fetch_array($query); $report['reporters'] = my_unserialize($report['reporters']); if($mybb->user['uid'] == $report['uid'] || is_array($report['reporters']) && in_array($mybb->user['uid'], $report['reporters'])) { $error = $lang->success_report_voted; } } } $mybb->input['action'] = $mybb->get_input('action'); if(empty($error) && $verified == true && $mybb->input['action'] == "do_report" && $mybb->request_method == "post") { verify_post_check($mybb->get_input('my_post_key')); $plugins->run_hooks("report_do_report_start"); // Is this an existing report or a new offender? if(!empty($report)) { // Existing report, add vote $report['reporters'][] = $mybb->user['uid']; update_report($report); $plugins->run_hooks("report_do_report_end"); eval("\$report_thanks = \"".$templates->get("report_thanks")."\";"); echo $report_thanks; exit; } else { // Bad user! $new_report = array( 'id' => $id, 'id2' => $id2, 'id3' => $id3, 'uid' => $mybb->user['uid'] ); // Figure out the reason $reason = trim($mybb->get_input('reason')); if($reason == 'other') { // Replace the reason with the user comment $reason = trim($mybb->get_input('comment')); } else { $report_reason_string = "report_reason_{$reason}"; $reason = "\n".$lang->$report_reason_string; } if(my_strlen($reason) < 3) { $error = $lang->error_report_length; } if(empty($error)) { $new_report['reason'] = $reason; add_report($new_report, $report_type); $plugins->run_hooks("report_do_report_end"); eval("\$report_thanks = \"".$templates->get("report_thanks")."\";"); echo $report_thanks; exit; } } } if(!empty($error) || $verified == false) { $mybb->input['action'] = ''; if($verified == false && empty($error)) { $error = $lang->error_invalid_report; } } if(!$mybb->input['action']) { if(!empty($error)) { if($mybb->input['no_modal']) { eval("\$report_reasons = \"".$templates->get("report_error_nomodal")."\";"); } else { eval("\$report_reasons = \"".$templates->get("report_error")."\";"); } } else { if(!empty($report)) { eval("\$report_reasons = \"".$templates->get("report_duplicate")."\";"); } else { eval("\$report_reasons = \"".$templates->get("report_reasons")."\";"); } } if($mybb->input['no_modal']) { echo $report_reasons; exit; } $plugins->run_hooks("report_end"); eval("\$report = \"".$templates->get("report", 1, 0)."\";"); echo $report; exit; }